RSJ-Labelprinter - follow the QR-Code RSJ-Next Generation Label Printing System - makes workflow easier RSJ-Software, Company Logo

Enterprise Features

Creating labels is a cooperate environment requires more functionality than just rendering labels.

That is where you can profit from our 25+ years of experience in label printing.

LPSNG contain features that support centralized and decentralized deployments.

Multi User Support

LPSNG can be used in a single user scenario as well as in multi user scenarios.

User may own:

  • Designs (and associated resources)
  • Print Jobs
  • Printers

Print jobs can be addressed to specific users (or groups of users).

The system also support multi region use (even on the same server):

  • Time zone is based on client machine
  • Language is based on client browser and can be changed with 2 mouse clicks
  • We use unicode characters throughout the system (including right to left and Arabic)

User may log in multiple times from different clients.

Job Queues

When print jobs are received through the web service interface they can be either printed automatically or queued in an user (or group) specific job queue.

Jobs in the print queue can be:

  • Viewed on screen
  • Assigned to a printer (by drag & drop)
  • Reprinted
  • Sorted
  • Deleted

Resource Sharing

Users may share resources with others.

Users can:

  • Share links to resources via email or web (they are just URLs)
  • Package resources (with all dependencies like fonts, bitmaps, test data) for import on other systems

Single Sign On

LPSNG supports different ways to identify users:

  • OpenID Connect (the new web standard)
  • Our own integrated user database
  • Authentication via Microsoft Windows


Each user is assigned a role. This allows you to limit access rights of individual users.

Common role types include:

  • Admin (controls the system)
  • Designer (creates new layouts)
  • User (prints them)
  • Device (just controls one device)

User Groups

Users can be member of one or more groups.

Groups can share:

  • Printers
  • Job Queues

This allows you to associate LPSNG with real people and still route print jobs to functional users.

Integrated Wiki

LPSNG has a simple Wiki integrated. This wiki allows you to easily distribute project specific information to your users.

The wiki system supports:

  • Markdown syntax
  • Hyperlinks
  • Graphics

Configuration File

LPSNG is configured via JSON configuration files parsed at server start.

Each configuration normally extends (ie overwrites) part of the configuration it is based on.

This allows you to have a project configuration file (which include the majority of the settings) and individual files for each installation.

This structure simplifies updates, because you normally just update the project configuration.

The same mechanism is used when new software features are introduced. LPSNG includes a base configuration on which all project configurations are based. This allows software upgrades without changing any of your configuration files at all.

Web Service Interface

LPSNG includes web service interfaces to:

  • Submit print jobs
  • List resources (eg designs) for a specific user
  • Create a design template (from data)
  • Get user authentication information (OpenID Connect)
  • Vision system integration

Authentication of the web service interface is based on OAuth2.

Print jobs can be submitted in:

  • XML
  • JSON
  • Excel Format (XLS and XLSX)
  • CSV


Sometimes information required on a label is not (easily) available in a host system (or not in the form needed). That is why LPSNG supports Python scripts that can modify any field before it is printed.


LPSNG comes with an installer program that includes all software components.

The installer can be tailored (for bigger projects) to:

  • Distribute configuration files
  • Install user accounts
  • Distribute resources
  • Update the project wiki


All LPSNG data can be backed up (to a single file) without stopping the server.

The backup can be restored on a different server instance.

Multi Device Support

LPSNG produces standard output formats (PDFs, bitmaps). So supporting heterogeneous environments with different printers or electronic shelf labels (ESL) is not a problem.

Multi Processor Support

LPSNG has support for multi processor machines. If licensed for multi processor use, LPSNG is able to render multiple print jobs at the same (each on it's own processor).


LPSNG uses an installation specific license file which controls the licensed functionality.

This makes distribution of common installers and flexible licensing arrangements possible.

Use Cases


Contact us for more information:

How can we help you?

Or contact us directly:

RSJ Software GmbH
Holzstrasse 4
82120 Germering

Phone: +49 89 89 41 42-0
Fax: +49 89 89 41 42-80

© Copyright 2011-2023 by RSJ Software GmbH Germering. All rights reserved. - Version:1.12.0576