RSJ-Labelprinter - follow the QR-Code RSJ-Next Generation Label Printing System - makes workflow easier RSJ-Software, Company Logo

Electronic Shelf Labels

Electronic price tags are the next big thing in retail. They allow better customer communication and dynamic pricing.

While migrating every label from paper to e-ink might not be todays solutions, because displays are still too expensive and limited in possibilities (limited or no color, limited viewing angle), electronic shelf label are definitely the future.

Being flexible (with a cross media solution) might be the major strategic objective here, because nobody could tell you (honestly), what technologies will dominate the digital signage market 5 years from now.

Here our device independent approach will prevent any vendor lock in and even support cross media scenarios (like switching from paper to e-ink gradually).


We primarily produce device independent PDFs, which are then rastered into bitmaps.

So your designs are not limited by the abilities of your current vendors graphics API.


  • Cross media solution
    • Multiple output media:
    • On screen display (PDF)
    • Device independent printer support (PDF)
    • Device independent ESL support


  • Single host interface
  • Identical layout editor for all media types
  • Future proof:
    • Easy integration of new labels (Which labels will be used in 5 years?)
    • We already have color support
    • Full Unicode support

Integration is really simple

  • Each label description can include an ESL target address (eg the barcode on the ESL together with the base station id)
  • This field can be computed (like all other label fields)
  • LPSNG generates a PDF file for every job
  • This PDF includes an embeded file (esl.json.gz) that links the ESL target addresses to the PDFs page number
  • This PDF can be processed locally (on the LPSNG server) or transmitted to our distributed ESL servers.
  • We can create JSON file containing ESL target addresses and the corresponding base64 encoded PNGs
  • The ESL provider is only responsible for transmitting this file and returning a JSON containing status information (signal strength, battery status, success)

Virtual ESLs

LPSNG produces a PDF, which can be conveniently displayed on with any PDF reader.

Project Status

You can buy labels and basestations in our online RSJ ESL Shop.

But we are also happy to talk to you or present our solution on site.

Use Cases


Contact us for more information:

How can we help you?

Or contact us directly:

RSJ Software GmbH
Holzstrasse 4
82120 Germering

Phone: +49 89 89 41 42-0
Fax: +49 89 89 41 42-80

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